Nukes n' shit

- Preserving the past -

Steam locomotive frozen in time
2023-06-02 - Abandoned

While travelling trough the fields of northern Lithuania we noticed something interesting in the distance, perhaps a tractor, perhaps an excavator we thought. To our surprise it turned out to be a steam locomotive long forgotten in the fields on abandoned railroad tracks. 

View from the side - a true marvel of engineering

Who knows, maybe it was abandoned due to old age, maybe it broke down during the great war...


Upon taking a closer look at it, we tried to get inside, but it was still locked from the day it ground to a halt.

From the front

That's that for today, maybe we will try getting it running sometime :) 

Comments (2)
Anonymous - I wonder what stories this old train could tell. Abandoned in the fields, frozen in time. 2023-07-22
Anonymous - It's sad to see such a cool train locked up and forgotten. Maybe someday it will run again. 2023-07-22
The Author


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Nukes n' shit
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