Nukes n' shit

- Preserving the past -

Bunker and wet feet
2023-01-23 - Bunkers

Lets begin our blog with a tour of a bunker located in one of the capital's industrial districts.
Upon descending the staircase of the main entry, we encounter two hermetically sealed doors capable of withstanding a nuclear blast. Despite experiencing over 40 years of moisture, they still open smoothly.

The main entry

After opening the second door, we enter a large, dark room. A musty odor permeates the air. We carefully walk among the remnants of furniture to avoid getting our feet wet, but we'll talk about that a bit later :)

Main room of the bunker

After passing through the yellow door, we reach the crucial aspect of the bunker - the ventilation systems. Let's turn right and enter the generator room.

Massive ventilation turbine

Unlike in other rooms, the water here is particularly deep. Let's go closer and inspect it.

Diesel generator

I attempted to jump onto the generator's platform, but was unsuccessful. After getting soaked in the oily water, we continue our tour...

Diesel generator up close

Surprisingly, the control systems still have an external power source - there is a familiar 50Hz hum.

Generator control systems

Before leaving, we discovered the remnants of the warehouse: crates filled with protective gear.

Protective equipment in crates

It appears we found a rare IP-46m gas mask

Bottom left - remains of the IP-46m mask
More remains of the IP-46m mask

And with that, I will conclude our tour of the bunker. The overall condition is 4 out of 10. While the control systems still have power, the water damage indicats a lack of proper maintenance. Additionally, the remnants of the warehouse, such as the crates filled with protective gear, suggest that the bunker may have been abandoned for some time. Overall, while the bunker may have served its purpose in the past, it is clear that it is no longer in a suitable condition for use.

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